Category: Personal

In the roundtrip of life knowledge and honesty gets you complete

Global Gathering

The Woman Who Knew?

Imogen McHugh the woman who knew,How to flew,Past the moon and the cow,Pow,Goes the engine for space flight,Pulsing bewlideringly,Spare me the the tyre,Going flat,Out to get home in,Time,For T.

Frozen Lie

A Piece of Cake

The Sleuth Poet


5 Coded to receive £5 Spent When? When wanted The trinket or food or drink or a very cheap mink… David Robertson 21.09.2024

Willows for seeds

It’s alright now

Is it?alright?now?Three questionsgarner a wishWould it beA dishof fish?Or BishBashBoshSome dosh?Personally?I go for nosh,paid for withdosh,Gosh weconvert dosh tonoshNurture naturein someis greaterthan inotherslearn to nurturenatureAnd it shallbe alright now This poem should be played with Free’s rendition of alright now.

The Happy Bit