About me

In the roundtrip of life knowledge and honesty gets you complete

Enjoy a challenge?

Unlike a Pink Cheiftan from Camden Town, more like a Challenger from Starwars 🙂

You can play Chess with me on the below link to GameKnot the Premier Chess field of play.

I’m David Andrew Robertson
HK dave
Cheesy Chilli Chocky Dave

I am a computer programmer, poet, learning musician.
These are all a disciplined route to suppressing my instincts as a human.

About me

As David Andrew Robertson, I travel in cyberspace to find new ideas.

These ideas are used to navigate the route we should take as a world. I then negotiate the route with as many different people as possible so we are all agreed in a common direction.

Quite a lot to do for one person, however, with the rise of the dub dub dub (www) we have a mechanism for communication which we may as well use for the good of humanity as a whole.

Shadelan Dolly Mixture – Hear me Roar

She >was< my best friend. I have another now. 🙂 And many others of varying degrees.

The music on Dolly and Henry go down the lane is by Nick Walters and a band called Pie in the Sky. He is a friend from my first degree @UEA and currently resides in Kagoshima Ken, Japan. See his current band on bandcamp 2 Magenetic East (2ME).

Living with Bi-polar

Living with Bi-polar is very journey orientated.

Stay on the path and keep routine whilst probing the boundaries of your world to seek small adventures. Just not every day 🙂

Living Mental Health is John Durrant’s show

In this podcast I get to read two of my poems and talk about mental health.

My latest podcast on Living Mental Health

In this podcast we explore giving and the benefits of Karma. Also John’s drinking of Pepsi Max, and the investigation of sponsorship with Pepsico.

Reiterating that this is John Durrant’s podcast, and I am a guest … John’s comments are his own, and mine are mine. I like Dr Pepper more than Pepsi Max, however, Pepsico wins either way.