
In the roundtrip of life knowledge and honesty gets you complete

Willows for seeds

The Supermarket

It’s alright now

Is it?alright?now?Three questionsgarner a wishWould it beA dishof fish?Or BishBashBoshSome dosh?Personally?I go for nosh,paid for withdosh,Gosh weconvert dosh tonoshNurture naturein someis greaterthan inotherslearn to nurturenatureAnd it shallbe alright now This poem should be played with Free’s rendition of alright now.

The Happy Bit

I sang that in my head

That was short,Sung one way,Then another,Vat 51Sounds LikeThat 51Which 51That 51Drink up,Like the Virgin Mary+ Worcester and pepperWhen that isSung slowThat is the bestSlower thatyou might smilefaster in your headFlorence isDog tired nowAnd the steadof bed callsfrom yonder roomIn your head Ishall sleep tonight

The Playhouse

The Angel

Duplicitous Mansions

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Gwinnell Massive Bowling antics (a time ago)

She waved her arms at me I moved my arms at her We did not touch Much Or at all That would spoil the duel in tin foil hats me 90 her less than 90 the scores were not much better than that that night That damned Pizza Hut night Crikey HKD Spikey HK She/Her…
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