5 Coded to receive £5 Spent When? When wanted The trinket or food or drink or a very cheap mink… David Robertson 21.09.2024
Is it?alright?now?Three questionsgarner a wishWould it beA dishof fish?Or BishBashBoshSome dosh?Personally?I go for nosh,paid for withdosh,Gosh weconvert dosh tonoshNurture naturein someis greaterthan inotherslearn to nurturenatureAnd it shallbe alright now This poem should be played with Free’s rendition of alright now.
That was short,Sung one way,Then another,Vat 51Sounds LikeThat 51Which 51That 51Drink up,Like the Virgin Mary+ Worcester and pepperWhen that isSung slowThat is the bestSlower thatyou might smilefaster in your headFlorence isDog tired nowAnd the steadof bed callsfrom yonder roomIn your head Ishall sleep tonight
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