The Woman Who Knew?

In the roundtrip of life knowledge and honesty gets you complete

The Woman Who Knew?

Imogen McHugh the woman who knew,
How to flew,
Past the moon and the cow,
Goes the engine for space flight,
Pulsing bewlideringly,
Spare me the the tyre,
Going flat,
Out to get home in,
For T.

3 Responses

  1. hkdave95 says:

    To the reader,

    Please see this LinkedIn post related to Imogen McHugh, a writer of poems … My comment in the thread relates to this poem I wrote for her.

  2. Imogen McHugh says:

    Rather thrilling to have my own poem! I am very happy to be the woman who knew…

    • hkdave95 says:

      Dear Imogen

      I once knew an older man than I, called John. I had another friend called John too, who seemed even older. Don’t get these two men mixed up. They came from very different kettles of fish.

      The Younger older man called John lived in Beccles as I saw him there a few times and surmised as much. He came to the Kirby Cane shop to do some shopping quite frequently.

      He used to tell me “I shoot to thrill” AC / DC Esque.

      The other man called John was more likeable and came to my house for conversation. He had more adventures than the other man called John, from the stories he told me. The older John was then the Beccles Town Crier. He had me in floods of tears with his anecdotes.

      However, the serious nature of meeting these two men was not to be reduced by the odd banter between us.

      In all good faith and joviality there is the subtle concept of I want to live. With that comes freedom. Becoming older does not diminish the wish. However, the ability to save becomes more known.

      However, “Freedom is another word for nothing left to lose”, as per the American singer of old.

      This piece is for you.

      Thrilling is the prompt.

      Keep flowing.



      PS … If anyone ever wants to learn to get to an older age, approach the older aged person with respect. Laugh with them, not at them. One good laugh from an elder is a healing to be hailed. And the wisdom of the younger, is the hunger for knowing.

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